Is Your Life Cursed or Blessed?

Most everyone understands and agrees that when you are trying to draw the things you want into your life, it’s vital that you keep your thoughts and actions positive. Butmany have written expressing concern about how this can be accomplished when you are surrounded by negative energy throughout the day. Some readers even feel cursed, as they try hard to be good, always saying and doing the right thing, but bad things continued to happen to them.

Between financial challenges, relationship problems, health issues and family or friends constantly sharing their problems with us, no
one is really immune to negative energy. Whether a situation turns out to be a blessing or a curse may ultimately depend on how you
choose to respond.

While problems can cause pain, they can also provide a wonderful opportunity for growth. When you view your problem as a challenge to conquer, or an opportunity to discover a creative solution for, that’s what you will do … and you’ll be a stronger person for it. For those who can stay positive, a struggle or crisis can turn into new growth and success.

Sometimes if we can’t see any possible solution to our problems, we begin to feel hopeless and simply give up or stop trying to change our situation. NEVER GIVE UP! When you start to run out of energy and feel as if you can’t move on, then just stand aside, and allow the Universal Power of the One to solve your problems and fight your battles for you.

Step outdoors and let the elements of Earth, Air, Fire (sun) and Water recharge your Spirit. Then freely hand your problems over to a higher power. No challenge or accomplishment is too great for this Universal energy. Let it work through you by following your intuition.

Think of the quiet little voice inside of you as the Divine or Goddess directing your path. Allow it to point the way. Follow your hunches and the positive thoughts that pop into your head … the ideas that make you feel good and you will find your positive solutions. It’s not really magic, it’s just the way the Universe works.

Many believe he Universe multiplies the energy you send out and returns it back into your life by a factor of three. This is called The Law of Three, AKA the Law of Attraction, And this is why it is so important that you work to keep your thoughts and actions positive. In theory this might sound simply, but in practice it’s not so easy. There will always be negative energy and events that are out of our control, but we can choose how to view and/or handle those things. The better you get at rising to those challenging situations, the more positive energy you draw into your life. Examine your thoughts and actions daily to make sure they are inline with what you want more of in your life, then allow the Universal energy to work through you!

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