Category Archives: Enriching Your Life with Wicca

Essential tips for enriching your life with Wicca. Learn simple ways to fit Wicca into your busy life.

Clearing, Charging & Dressing Candles for Rituals & Spells

If your livelihood depends on the condition of your tools, you probably do your best to keep them clean, well oiled and ready to use. After all, trying to build something with a power saw that has not been charged will not get you far. Nor will you get very far if you are using magical tools that have not been properly cared for.

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Best Candle Colors and Types for Your Rituals & Spells

A variety of candle shapes and sizes.

This article can help you find the best type and size of candle for your ritual or spell. Once you’ve chosen the right kind of candle, you can use the color correspondence chart to select the perfect candle color to help you achieve your magical goal!

The Best Type of Candles for Rituals & Spells

Although some spells may recommend a specific type of candle, most of the time it will be up to you to choose the kind of candle you want to use. Below is a list of the most popular candle sizes and shapes and how they are traditionally used. We hope you’ll find this information helpful as you decide what candle is best suited for your ritual, spell or sacred space.

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We Are Celebrating Our 25th Birthday With A Nice Gift for YOU

We truly appreciate your support. Some of you have been visiting our website for over two decades now, while others have just joined us. We are thankful for all of our visitors, regardless of how long you have been with us, Our Online Magical Store has put together a $25 gift set to celebrate our website’s 25th birthday. During the month of May, every customer whose order totals $25 or more (not including shipping) will AUTOMATICALLY receive one of these special gift sets. There is no need to add it to your cart!

Each gift set will include an essential oil, herb. incense, candle and a crystal gemstone. All gifts are selected for you by the store. This offer starts now and runs through May 31, 2022. We believe you’ll be pleased with the items in this special gift set. Thanks again for shopping with us and for supporting our website these past 25 years!

The Celtic Connection /

Online Wicca Magical Store

Who Should We Be Giving Thanks to?

Growing up, I was taught to give thanks to God for the food food I ate.  We were told to thank the creator, not the creation, for the gifts we received. That sounded logical, except that Mother Earth was considered a creation of the Divine and not really Divine herself.

I believe with all my heart that the Divine or Universal energy is in ALL things.  When we express thanks, it should not matter what aspect of the One we are communicating with. The gratitude is sent forth into the Universe and acknowledged.

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Is Your Life Cursed or Blessed?

Most everyone understands and agrees that when you are trying to draw the things you want into your life, it’s vital that you keep your thoughts and actions positive. Butmany have written expressing concern about how this can be accomplished when you are surrounded by negative energy throughout the day. Some readers even feel cursed, as they try hard to be good, always saying and doing the right thing, but bad things continued to happen to them.

Between financial challenges, relationship problems, health issues and family or friends constantly sharing their problems with us, no
one is really immune to negative energy. Whether a situation turns out to be a blessing or a curse may ultimately depend on how you
choose to respond.

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Talking to the Goddess

In this modern age, we can communicate with most of our friends and family instantly. We relay messages by phone, text or Internet posts and in most cases, a response is immediate. Easy, fast and clear communication is what we expect today, no matter what part of the world we are trying to connect with. The Goddess is not a world away from us. Most agree that the Divine is WITHIN us and can be found in everything around us as well. So why then, do so many feel disconnected from a force that resides within them?

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A Bountiful Garden of Life

A Bountiful Garden of Life

If your life was a garden, would it be full of weeds and unwanted pests or would it be overflowing with flowers and nourishing gifts from your Mother Earth? Negative thoughts and energies are like weeds in the garden of life. They pop-up everywhere and seem to grow much faster than the positive things we actually want to cultivate. Most of us feel like we are constantly battling weeds.

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A 20 Year Journey Into Wicca

Like so many others, I grew up surrounded by Christian friends and family. Thus, when I was introduced to Wicca and Witchcraft in 1997. I had a lot of misinformation to deal with before I could truly embrace these paths.

As I connected with Wiccans and Witches around the world, I discovered a warm, open-minded and very tolerant group of people. Some shared their love of aromatherapy, herbs or gardening with me, while others enjoyed talking about their connection with animals.  Virtually everyone enjoyed the outdoors and had a deep respect for our Mother Earth. Contrary to what I had been taught in church, I found no “evil” in their beliefs or practices.

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