A Bountiful Garden of Life

A Bountiful Garden of Life

If your life was a garden, would it be full of weeds and unwanted pests or would it be overflowing with flowers and nourishing gifts from your Mother Earth? Negative thoughts and energies are like weeds in the garden of life. They pop-up everywhere and seem to grow much faster than the positive things we actually want to cultivate. Most of us feel like we are constantly battling weeds.

When you feel overwhelmed by all the negative “weeds” in your garden of life, take a deep breath and return your focus to those small positive seeds that you want to see flourish. We have all heard that we reap what we sow.  Thus, it would be wise to plant seeds of love, kindness, gentleness, peace and so on, if these are the things we want to see grow in our garden of life.

In the beginning, don’t stress about how many “weeds” are in your garden or how much faster they grow than the seeds you plant. A good gardener simply gets rid of each weed as it pops up. In your garden of life, you’ll want to get rid of any negative thoughts that come to mind. Stay focused on what you want to sow.  Think about how beautiful those things will be when they mature. Nourish your thoughts like a gardener would fertilize and water a young plant. As a seed first starts to grow, it can appear very small and insignificant, especially amongst the fast growing weeds. But, as time passes, your seeds will grow and before you know it, there will be fewer and fewer “weeds” in your garden of life.

Finally, it doesn’t matter whether we plant flower seeds or seeds of kindness. Everything takes time to mature. Be patient and remember that considerable time and effort goes into every bountiful harvest.  If you have sown good seeds, you WILL enjoy many bountiful blessings and gifts from your garden of life!

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