Celebrating Samhain Like Our Ancestors

Picture a crisp autumn evening, where the air is infused with the earthy scent of fallen leaves and the flickering light of bonfires dance as the night approaches. You see villagers, clad in simple yet colorful garments, coming together in a clearing. Faces are illuminated by the warm glow of the flames. There is laughter and the sound of drums fill the air as families begin to share stories as they celebrate the harvest that will sustain them through the year.

In the center of the gathering, a large bonfire crackles, its flames reaching high into the night sky. People throw offerings of food—nuts, fruits, and bread—into the fire as a gesture of gratitude for the bounty received and as a means of honoring the spirits of their ancestors. The flames hiss and pop, casting playful shadows that seem to dance around them, reminiscent of the spirits believed to roam freely on this night.

As darkness deepens, individuals don costumes made from animal skins and natural materials, transforming into various figures—both protective and mischievous. These disguises serve as a barrier against malevolent spirits that might wander among the living. The sound of laughter mingles with the crackling of the fire as groups engage in games and rituals, invoking blessings for the coming winter.

Around the edges of the gathering, smaller fires are lit, creating a constellation of flickering lights. People might pause to reflect, looking into the flames as if seeking guidance from their ancestors, who are thought to be closer than ever on this sacred night.

As the festivities continue, the atmosphere is charged with a sense of reverence and celebration—a poignant mix of honoring the past while embracing the future. The night stretches on, filled with warmth, connection, and a deep acknowledgment of the cycles of life and death that bind them all together.

Clearing, Charging & Dressing Candles for Rituals & Spells

If your livelihood depends on the condition of your tools, you probably do your best to keep them clean, well oiled and ready to use. After all, trying to build something with a power saw that has not been charged will not get you far. Nor will you get very far if you are using magical tools that have not been properly cared for.

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Best Candle Colors and Types for Your Rituals & Spells

A variety of candle shapes and sizes.

This article can help you find the best type and size of candle for your ritual or spell. Once you’ve chosen the right kind of candle, you can use the color correspondence chart to select the perfect candle color to help you achieve your magical goal!

The Best Type of Candles for Rituals & Spells

Although some spells may recommend a specific type of candle, most of the time it will be up to you to choose the kind of candle you want to use. Below is a list of the most popular candle sizes and shapes and how they are traditionally used. We hope you’ll find this information helpful as you decide what candle is best suited for your ritual, spell or sacred space.

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Candle Magic – Magical Uses for Candles

Using Candles In a Ritual

This Article Is For Anyone Who Wants to Take Their Candle Magic to the Next Level.

Candle magic is not just for Witches. We have all used candles to create a little magic in our lives. Nearly everyone has made a wish, then sent our wish out to the universe and blew out our candles. Many of us have set candles on a dinner table to help us manifest romance or special moments. Some burn candles when they bathe, creating a tranquil atmosphere to help them melt away any stress from the day.

These are just a few of the many ways we use candles to generate everyday magic. But candles can also help us tap into the actual source of universal energy that flows through all things. When we connect with this higher power, we experience magic at its best! But there’s more to it than simply lighting a candle.

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Best Crystals for Healing & Magic

Your Guide to the Properties & Traditional Uses of 13 Powerful Crystals

Crystals forHhealing & Magic

How to Choose Crystals for Healing & Magic

Before you start searching for a new crystal, it’s important to think about what purpose it will have in your life. Every crystal has a unique energy and vibration. It will work best for you if your intended purpose is aligned with its natural power. The more in sync you are with your crystal, the more effective it will be at helping you achieve your goals.

So ask yourself why you want a new crystal. Is it simply to bring you happiness and joy, or do you need strength and protection? Are you in need of a little luck and prosperity, or is peace and tranquility what you are looking for? Below are the traditional uses and healing/magical properties for 13 very popular crystals.

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How to Cleanse, Charge and Set Intentions With Crystals to Boost Their Power

Cleansing Your Crystals

Just as we feel refreshed and ready to take on the day after our morning shower, so do our crystals feel renewed and ready to get to work after a good cleansing.

Crystals absorb both positive and negative energy from their surroundings. If you want your stones to keep functioning at their full potential, you need to cleanse (clear) them of stagnant and unwanted negative energies.

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Crystal Magic – Using Treasures from Mother Earth as Magical Tools

Healing Crystals

There are treasures deep within our Mother Earth, and she has been growing some of them for over a million years.  We call them crystals or gemstones and they are some of the most beautiful gifts she has blessed us with.

When you begin using crystals, you quickly realize that they are Mother Earth’s ultimate multipurpose power tool. We have been using them for healing since ancient times and in many traditions they are used to boost the magic of rituals and spells. Some of us like to wear our crystals as jewelry to help us lift our spirits during the day, while others simply carry their stones around in a pocket or bag to help them stay focused on a particular goal or purpose.

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Magical Uses for Incense

The power of aroma cannot be denied, but we may not give it much thought as we rush through our busy day. We get so wrapped up in all the worries and necessities of life that we quite literally forget to stop and smell the roses. If we realized how soothing the scent of a flower, plant or tree could be, we might not walk past them in such a hurry.

Incense is a wonderful way to bring the benefits of aroma into your life. It can be burned to cleanse and purify your home or sacred space, or for ceremonies and rituals or for protection against negative energies. It is also used to create a specific atmosphere or state of mind, You can use incense as aromatherapy to help you relax and meditate or to create a pleasant and uplifting environment in your home after a stressful day.

Incense is made from a variation of herbs, plants, woods and resins. Each has it’s own distinct aromatic scent and is loved for it’s unique fragrance, spiritual and magical properties. Below is a list of 10 popular types of incense, with descriptions of their magical properties and traditional uses.

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We Are Celebrating Our 25th Birthday With A Nice Gift for YOU

We truly appreciate your support. Some of you have been visiting our website for over two decades now, while others have just joined us. We are thankful for all of our visitors, regardless of how long you have been with us, Our Online Magical Store has put together a $25 gift set to celebrate our website’s 25th birthday. During the month of May, every customer whose order totals $25 or more (not including shipping) will AUTOMATICALLY receive one of these special gift sets. There is no need to add it to your cart!

Each gift set will include an essential oil, herb. incense, candle and a crystal gemstone. All gifts are selected for you by the store. This offer starts now and runs through May 31, 2022. We believe you’ll be pleased with the items in this special gift set. Thanks again for shopping with us and for supporting our website these past 25 years!

The Celtic Connection / https://wicca.com

Online Wicca Magical Store