What to Write in Your BOS

What is a BOS? A Book of Shadows contains the specific beliefs of an individual or group of individuals who practice the traditions of Wicca or Witchcraft.. Today some choose to purchase a Book of Shadows written by another practitioner, and simply follow the author’s instructions for circle casting, the consecration of tools, religious rituals, coven organization, initiation ceremonies and more. This article is for those who prefer to create their own Book of Shadows and keep the contents private.

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Rich Witch or Poor Witch – The Cost of Tools

(Reprinted from an earlier issue of the Inner Circle newsletter)

The following email excerpt expresses a common concern of those who are just starting out:

“I am very low on cash and cannot afford the proper tools … I feel that my financial status holds me back from fulfilling my destiny of becoming a true Wiccan.”

If you don’t have money to buy the tools you want, make the best of what you have.  Be creative and find new ways to make old things work.  If you can’t buy books, check them out from a library or log on to the Internet for endless hours of reading.  I believe the richest, most powerful witches in this world are not the ones with the most money or the best tools … the richest ones are those who can allow the Divine magic to flow through their lives without any tools at all!

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What is the Most Important Part of a Spell?

NOTE: This post comes from our Patreon platform.

Beginners frequently worry about getting something wrong when they cast a spell. Should they still try if they missed the full moon or if they don’t have the appropriate color candles? My answer is a definite yes! A good spell will draw its power from your heart and mind, not from the tools you use.

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Is Wicca Right For You?

if you are still trying to decide if this path is right for you, reading the information in this post may help. My favorite description of Wicca was written by the original founder of Wicca.com. All who are interested in this path should read the article. If it resonates with you, you are most likely heading in the right direction on your spiritual journey. An excerpt is posted below and a link to the full article is provided at the end. Enjoy!

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Who Should We Be Giving Thanks to?

Growing up, I was taught to give thanks to God for the food food I ate.  We were told to thank the creator, not the creation, for the gifts we received. That sounded logical, except that Mother Earth was considered a creation of the Divine and not really Divine herself.

I believe with all my heart that the Divine or Universal energy is in ALL things.  When we express thanks, it should not matter what aspect of the One we are communicating with. The gratitude is sent forth into the Universe and acknowledged.

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Is Your Life Cursed or Blessed?

Most everyone understands and agrees that when you are trying to draw the things you want into your life, it’s vital that you keep your thoughts and actions positive. Butmany have written expressing concern about how this can be accomplished when you are surrounded by negative energy throughout the day. Some readers even feel cursed, as they try hard to be good, always saying and doing the right thing, but bad things continued to happen to them.

Between financial challenges, relationship problems, health issues and family or friends constantly sharing their problems with us, no
one is really immune to negative energy. Whether a situation turns out to be a blessing or a curse may ultimately depend on how you
choose to respond.

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